농지연금 수령액 계산 Farmland Pension Receipt Calculation

How to calculate farmland pension receipt amount – Farmland Pension Homepage

It is a system that allows you to receive retirement funds in the form of an annuity by using farmland as collateral, just like a housing pension. If you own farmland, you can consider applying for a farmland pension to prepare for your retirement. Housing and farmland pensions are a trend that many people are applying for as they can receive pensions with assets owned by the applicant as collateral. For more information on farmland pension and how to calculate the amount of farmland pension, please refer to the information below.

Farmland Pension Subscription Conditions


1. As of the last day of the application year, the farmland owner must be at least 60 years of age 농지연금 수령액 계산
2. Applicant must have more than 5 years of agricultural experience 좋은뉴스 


In addition, requirements for target farmland can be found on the Farmland Bank and Farmland Pension websites. If you visit the Farmland Pension website, you can check basic information about the Farmland Pension project and subscription conditions in detail, and you can also inquire about the expected pension you are most curious about.

Farmland Pension, Farmland Bank website

농지연금 수령액 계산

For other inquiries and consultations, please contact the Farmland Pension Customer Service Center.


Farmland Pension Consultation Center


Farmland Pension Estimated Pension Inquiry can be done by following the order below and entering the necessary information.

Farmland Pension Receipt Calculation
First, after accessing the Farmland Pension homepage, select Farmland Pension at the top of the screen > click Expected Pension Inquiry.


Farmland Pension Receipt Calculation

If you press the Expected Pension Inquiry, the expected farmland pension information input screen appears at the bottom of the screen. You must enter the necessary information accurately in all blanks of the information input so that you can check the farmland pension that you can actually receive as closely as possible.

Please enter the applicant’s and spouse’s information and basic information about farmland evaluation/farmland price. For farmland evaluation, you can select one of two prices, the public price and the appraisal price, and enter the price.

Publicly announced price: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport publicly announced land price
Appraisal value: Appraisal value received through a separate appraisal agency for the target farmland


Farmland Pension Calculation
If you enter the information and click the check result button, you can check the amount of pension in detail according to the method of receiving pension. When receiving farmland pension, you can choose the deadline and method of receiving the pension.


If you have a pension or other income that you can receive in preparation for old age other than farmland pension, you can think carefully about how to receive farmland pension and choose the most advantageous form.




Farmer benefits and support services


As the agricultural population has recently decreased and agriculture has been inactive, various benefits and welfare services are being provided to farmers. In particular, if you have met the basic conditions, such as registration with the Ministry of Agricultural Support and registration of a farmer’s business, or have been cultivating steadily, there are various welfare programs, so please take a look and apply.


Conditions and application method for farmers to save money

Conditions and application method for farmers to save money

What is savings for sea bass? It is a system that provides savings incentives to farmers and fishermen so that they can raise their money at maturity. Its purpose is to support the stable livelihood and property formation of farmers and fishermen.

First of all, there is a system that provides savings incentives to farmers and fishermen to support property formation and livelihood stability. Only those who meet the subscription conditions can sign up for the savings of sea bass, but compared to general deposits and installment savings of commercial banks, the interest rate is high, so it is a good product to save.


In addition, there are various benefits such as farmers allowance, direct payment for farming, and national pension support system for farmers and fishers.