현대카드 고객센터 Hyundai Card Customer Center

Shortcut to Hyundai Card customer center phone number, quick connection to an agent
Hyundai Card’s customer center is operated to support customers during business hours.

Therefore, it is recommended that you make a call at an appropriate time, and prepare your card information and personal information in advance to facilitate a smooth conversation with the agent. 현대카드 고객센터

Shortcut to Hyundai Card customer center phone number, quick connection to an agent 좋은뉴스
Hyundai Card customer center phone number
Hyundai Card Customer Center Fast agent connection
Hyundai Card Customer Center Consultation Hours
Hyundai Card lost report
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Go to Hyundai Card Customer Center phone number, Quick agent connection
Hyundai Card Customer Center

Hyundai Card customer center phone number

If you make a call by referring to the table below, you can be connected to an agent during business hours.

현대카드 고객센터

Classification Phone Number Business Hours
Hyundai Card Customer Center 1577-6000 Weekdays 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Hyundai Card card application 1577-0100 Weekdays 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Hyundai Card financial application
(Long-term card loan, short-term card loan application and inquiry) 1577-6100 24 hours a day, 365 days
Report theft of Hyundai Card
(Accept transaction) 1577-6200 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Hyundai Card overseas use (card use)
82-2-3015-9000 Weekdays 9am – 6pm
Hyundai Card Overseas Only (Theft/Loss Report) 82-2-3015-9200 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Hyundai Card Customer Center Fast agent connection

To connect to a Hyundai Card Customer Center representative, first refer to the table above, select the phone number that suits your business, and then make a call.

There are two ways to connect: pressing ARS and verbal ARS.


To quickly connect with an agent, listen carefully to the corresponding number when the ARS voice is heard and briefly mark it on your smartphone or notepad so that you can quickly connect later.


pressing ARS


ARS in words


However, if you are not immediately connected to a Hyundai Card agent, it is recommended that you wait for a while and then try again, as the agent may have many complaints or wait time may occur.


Hyundai Card Customer Center Fast agent connection
Hyundai Card Customer Center Fast agent connection

Hyundai Card Customer Center Consultation Hours

Based on the table above, the customer center for theft and loss report and financial application service can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is business hours from 6:00 pm to 6:00 pm, so you can refer to it and consult at an appropriate time.


These hours are general operating hours and may change depending on specific circumstances.

As operating hours may be adjusted during holidays or special periods (e.g. year-end and New Year holidays), it is recommended to check the latest operating hours on the Hyundai Card official website or app before consulting.


Hyundai Card Customer Center Consultation Hours
Hyundai Card Customer Center Consultation Hours

Hyundai Card lost report

If you lose your Hyundai Card, you must report the loss immediately.

Report theft of Hyundai Card at 1577-6200 or if you lost your card abroad, you can report it to the Hyundai Card Customer Center at 82-2-3015-9200.


If you are connected to an agent, you can apply for reissuance after reporting.


reissue application

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