휴대폰 요금 미납 Unpaid cell phone bill

If you searched for bank account foreclosure for unpaid cell phone bills, what if the communication bill was overdue for a long time, or you paid well, but someone who uses a cell phone in your name has not paid the bill? Bank foreclosure may come in and you may become a credit delinquent.

휴대폰 요금 미납

Seizure of bank account for non-payment of mobile phone bill
Can I apply for foreclosure from the telecommunications company?
What if a seizure notice and text message come in?
If someone else uses a cell phone in my name
Will I have bad credit?
Seizure of bank account for non-payment of mobile phone bill, conclusion 휴대폰 요금 미납
Mobile phone-Bill-Non-payment-Passbook seized

Can I apply for foreclosure from the telecommunications company?
If you are overdue on your cell phone bill for a long period of time, the telecommunications company will file a debt collection (finding the other party’s property status) and apply for seizure of your cell phone bill in your bank account. 좋은뉴스


If the foreclosure proceeds, transfer between carriers, device change, etc… everything you can do with your cell phone will be limited.


What if a seizure notice and text message come in?




If you receive a seizure notice and text message, the seizure process will proceed if you do not pay the unpaid amount. However, it takes at least 2 months from the carrier -> the court -> the seizure decision, so you can make money and pay the unpaid amount within this period.


If someone else uses a cell phone in my name
If someone else has not paid their cell phone bill for a long time, you are responsible for it. In the case of my friend, he opened a cell phone in his name to his family.


However, since my family has been behind on my cell phone bill for more than two years, I was notified that I could become a credit delinquent if I do not pay the foreclosure notice and communication fee from the telecommunications company.


The telecommunications fee was overdue for a long time, and the bank’s computer system was checked based on ‘whether this person has the ability to repay the money’, and if the payment was not made within the specified period, financial transactions would be penalized. (Seoul through warranty insurance)


If you have currently opened someone else’s cell phone in your name, please cancel it if possible and transfer it to someone else’s name.


It’s because you can be disadvantaged because of someone else’s fault.

Will I have bad credit?
Why do I become a credit delinquent when I am in arrears for a long time? Usually, if you are overdue for a long time, the telecommunications company asks you to pay, and in conclusion, Seoul Guarantee Insurance pays this money.


And by paying the overdue fees from Seoul Guarantee Insurance and billing you again, your credit rating, that is, your bankbook is touched.


In conclusion, due to non-payment of telecommunications bills, you may experience the aftermath of a bad credit later.

Seizure of bank account for non-payment of mobile phone bill, conclusion
In conclusion, it is not immediately seized because the notice of seizure has come. Also, even if you pay the notified amount in installments, there is no problem in using the cell phone that has been seized.


However, the record of overdue cell phone bill remains on the computer, so if you do not have money to pay urgently, please pay your cell phone bill first.


If your cell phone bill is unpaid and you have a lot of other debts to pay off, it’s a good idea to find out how to escape from the current hard days through the personal rehabilitation system.