하이패스 사용내역 Hi-Pass Usage History

hello. If you are a driver, you must have used the highway more than once.


Today, we will learn how to query and print Hi-Pass usage history.


We will inform you in detail how to view Hi-Pass usage history. 하이패스 사용내역
Inquiry method


Occasionally, when you go on a business trip in a company vehicle, or for other reasons, you may need to check the usage history of the Hi-Pass or print a receipt. Not only this, but sometimes, when passing through a toll gate, due to a terminal error or insufficient amount of recharge, I am not aware of it, and I suffer damages such as being fined for negligence. 좋은뉴스 

하이패스 사용내역



Hi-pass is a system that automatically pays without toll stops on highways and toll roads in Korea. It is used to pay tolls on all expressways and most toll roads nationwide in Korea, and users must separately purchase a Hi-Pass terminal and Hi-Pass card and install it in their vehicle to use it.



①✅View usage history

View usage details
View usage details
High pass excel output
look up
Go to Hi-Pass usage history inquiry👈

▲ Access the highway toll fee homepage, click Use History Inquiry, log in, set the inquiry period and click the Inquiry button, then the usage history will be searched below!



②📞 Call center usage history inquiry

Even those who have difficulty using the high-pass inquiry on the Internet can call the Korea Highway Corporation Call Center Customer Center at 1588-2504 to inquire the usage history. Since real-time inquiry is not possible on the Internet, real-time inquiry is possible if you call directly!




③🔔Notes on internet search

You can view usage history for 3 years from the current date. (However, the maximum inquiry period is 3 months for individuals and 1 month for corporations.)
The date of transaction refers to the date when the card passed through the exit office, and the date of billing refers to the date when the credit card company completed approval.
Due to the difference in data transmission time for each business office, recent history inquiry may be delayed. (Up to 2 days) Real-time online approval is not possible due to the non-stop high-pass nature of the Hi-Pass.
Confirmation of transaction details may be delayed due to conditions of privately funded expressways and toll roads operated by local governments, communication conditions, etc.
Please refer to the homepage of each credit card company as it may show daily transaction details by period according to each company’s circumstances.
In the case of a deferred payment card, it takes about 3 days from the date of use until the transaction details are approved. (up to 30 days)
The date and time of transaction means the exit date and time in case of normal payment, and the payment date and time in case of non-payment. It is not possible to print a receipt when viewing transaction details due to the billing date of the deferred payment card.
There may be a difference between the usage amount by waypoint in the detailed view of transaction amount and the usage amount by operator when printing receipts.



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Today, we looked at how to view Hi-Pass usage history and how to print receipts. I hope this helps many drivers. Drive safe!