4대보험정보연계센터 4 insurance information linking centers

Issuance of a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances at the 4 major insurance information connection center

There are times when I want to check whether I have the 4 major insurances in my current company, right? Let’s look at the concept of the 4 insurances and how to issue a confirmation of subscription to the 4 insurances. It is also called a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances. Check whether the 4 major insurances are enrolled at your current workplace by issuing a certificate. 4대보험정보연계센터


4 major insurances – subscription details – certificate 좋은뉴스


What is the 4 major insurance?
National pension insurance, health insurance, industrial accident compensation insurance, and employment insurance are called the four insurances. Here’s a quick look at what it means:


1️⃣ Employment Insurance: A system to support livelihood when there is temporary no income due to job loss or leave of absence

2️⃣ Health insurance: A system to prevent high medical expenses caused by illness and injury from burdening households

3️⃣ National Pension Insurance: A system that supports a certain amount of money every day for livelihood from the state when you reach an age where you can no longer work

4️⃣ Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance: A system that compensates for various medical expenses and death insurance in case of injury, disease, disability or death due to work-related reasons


If you want to know what percentage of your salary is taken for each of the 4 insurances, what are the conditions for joining, and how much you are paying, click the link below to check it out.

What is the 4 major insurance?



Issuance of 4 major insurance certificates
To check subscription details for the four major insurances, you must call the National Pension Service (pension), Labor and Welfare Corporation (industrial accident, employment), and National Health Insurance Corporation (health) to obtain a certificate of subscription or obtain an issuance from an individual website. Then it would be too cumbersome. Therefore, the 4 major social insurance information linkage centers collect and issue confirmation documents for the 4 major insurance subscription details.


If you click the link below, you can access the site where you can get a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances.

Issuance of a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances



How to issue a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances

A public certificate or joint certificate is required. If you do not have it, it is impossible to proceed with the issuance of the 4 major insurance certificates, so it is better to prepare in advance.

1️⃣ Log in to the 4 major insurance information linkage centers with a public certificate or co-certificate

2️⃣ Apply for issuance of certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances

3️⃣ Application approval completed (Apply and wait for about 15 seconds to be approved.)

4️⃣ Print certificate

The order is really simple. Check out the picture below for details.


4 Major Insurance Information Centers – Main Screen


4 Insurance Information Connection Center-Login

Authorized certificate-module-installation
Certified Certificate – Login
Certified Certificate – Login

4 major insurance information linking centers – certificate application – issuance


4 major insurance – Gaapni Station – certificate – issuance


When applying for a certificate, a screen to enter information as shown below appears. Then, you can enter your personal name, resident registration number, address, etc., and select the name of the business you are currently working for. After that, click the “Apply” button below to apply for issuance.

4 major insurance – Gaapni Station – certificate – waiting for issuance


4 major insurances-subscription details-certificate-print


4 major insurances – subscription details – confirmation
4 major insurances – subscription details – confirmation
Is it easy to issue a certificate of subscription to the 4 major insurances? I think it is really convenient because it is integrated and issued by the 4 major insurance information connection centers. Is it a problem if you are working at a company and you are not registered? You must sign up for the 4 major insurances within 15 days of joining the company. If you have not signed up after 15 days, please contact the company’s HR team or the person in charge.