KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

These days, various OTT and other payment services are active, so there is an amount that automatically goes out every month. At that time, if this amount is small, I don’t really care so much, but when the scale gets a little bigger, it becomes burdensome. At this time, there are times when you want to check which company this amount came from. This can be viewed directly on the dedicated website. Today, we will look at how to view kcp payment history in relation to this.


You can check this on the NHN Korea Cyber Payment website (shortcut). When you enter this place, you will first see information about KCP payment and related wired/wireless terminals at the beginning. At this time, if you look at the bottom right, other than anything else, there is a part written ‘View transaction history’. Please try clicking on this. KCP 결제내역

KCP 결제내역




At this time, in the beginning, an explanation window pops up saying that you need to install a security program in relation to this. If you press the OK button, you will be moved to the next page and the security program will be installed. 좋은뉴스



For reference, the security program is installed in the following process. It’s not that difficult, but if you press the ‘Install’ button in the middle, the installation will be completed as it proceeds to the next step.



After the installation is complete, you can select the payment method you want to check in this way. Here, you can choose from a variety of payment methods, starting with credit cards, wire transfers, and mobile phones. Choose all of them, write down the date and amount on which date the payment was made and press the ‘Search’ button below.



In the case of me, I wrote it down a few times, but it says that it can’t be looked up to see if I wrote down the date or amount incorrectly. And in some cases, regular payments may have been made by a company called ‘KG Inicis’. If you do not see your details here, please check your payment details on the ‘KG Inicis’ homepage (shortcut).





Lastly, let’s take a look at some precautions to be aware of in this regard. If you do not remember the card approval number when you search by ‘Card’, please contact the corresponding card company separately. And it is said that this inquiry can be viewed from January 1 of the previous year to the current transaction.